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Quick change


Quick Change (QC)  is the peer education program of the Green Apple Health Development Foundation. The National Strategy – for the sake of reducing the drug problem – emphasize the role of peereffect in the development of drugproblem. Our goal is to temper the peereffect and utilize it, moreover to involve increasingly wider layers of the age group in the anti-drug fight.

The target audience of the program are those teenagers who are interested in drug as the problem of society, and who want to help those who fight this problem in their environment. The drug users supported by the peer helpers are not addicted, as they use drugs (alcohol, tobacco, stimulants) occasionally, so the riddance of the drug depends on the quick individual decision. Our peer helpers are expected to support the teenagers to make this decision which the name of the program refers to. During the training we are aiming to develop their skills, to make them sensitive to the problem, help them to consider their environment shrewdly. In this way, our peer helpers can be useful parts of the anti-drug fight not only in their life but in their surroundings as well.

The modules of the training:

  • first module: 30 hour basic training
  • second module: 50 hour continuing training
  • third module: 20 hour field-work

For more information please contact Mr. Andras Parkanyi.

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